Sunday, May 17, 2009

Waymon Tisdale Remembered

I was deeply saddened to hear the news of the death of Wayman Tisdale. He was a musician, basketball star and amputee with an incredible spirit and generous heart. After his amputation, he set up a foundation to help children and families whose prosthetics were not covered by insurance. He was a bright, shining star - a beautiful example of courage and grace.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Show Me MO!

Makes me proud to live in Missouri! MO is the 6th state to pass prosthetic parity legislation since the beginning of the year. Read about it here! Great planning too - either opt in or out of prosthetic coverage for $4.00 a year.

Monday, May 4, 2009

WOW! Parity is on the move!

While I was focused on the lost cause of KS, Texas passed prosthetic parity into law! That makes 5 states just this year! (VA, MD, AR, IA, TX) That's incredible. It's time to focus on the national parity bill and stop beating a dead horse. The Amputee Coalition of America has a nice new website for the parity campaign. Check it out here.