News from other states:
Utah - the House has passed a prosthetic parity bill. Opponents complain saying, "We won't have a market driven health care system." R-i-g-h-t. Market driven. I'm going to stop here before I say something profane. The cost? 18 cents per policy holder. "OOoo...I don't know. Should I get the policy with or without the prosthetic coverage in case I should have an accident and lose a limb or should I buy a chicklet?"
Virginia - SB 1116 was passed by the Virginia House on a 99 to 0 vote. There is one more bureaucratic step to make sure the Senate agrees to move the House version, but the bill should be on its way to the Governor's desk very soon. *UPDATE* The bill passed the House and Senate!
Maryland - (video)
Missouri - On March 10, 2009, the Missouri Senate Committee considering the Prosthetic Parity Bill voted unanimously (7-0) to pass it! It still has to pass the House committee and then the full House and Senate but this is a great start and speaks to the soundness of the bill. GO Big MO!
Kansas - Prosthetic parity? Here's an old fence post and a paring knife. Get to whittlin' there girl!